Review: Bambi Princess Mimi Apple Green

My Verdict: I absolutely love these lenses!! I wore these lenses yesterday for about just over 8 hours (bad idea) and almost forgot i had them in. But i must say they are the most comfortable lenses i ever worn! They don't dry out my eyes out which usually leads to very tired eyes and I really like the colour it gives off too , the blend of colours make them more natural than other green lenses out there. The diameter is quite large which has an enlarging effect and making our eyes seem more dolly-looking!! Overall i would rate these lenses quite highly and recommend them highly too as they are just super comfy with a enlarging dolly-look effect and the colours give off a natural look!


Comfort: ★★★★★ (9.5/10)
Colour:  ★★★★★ (9.5/10)
Enlargement Effect: ★★★★★ (10/10)

You can purchase these through various online shop. But because my dad had bought me these i didn't need to do so! But good news for you! i have a few extras lying around so check out my facebook online shop page to purchase them nows! ( MissGlamourous Love)

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