Where to buy Asian Skincare & Beauty products σ(≧ε≦o)

I've been getting a lot of emails asking me where I usually buy my Asian skincare & beauty products and I thought I'd share this with you guys today. 

Girls night at Cho Cho San (๑╹ڡ╹๑)

A few weeks ago I headed to Cho Cho San for a casual girls night out with a few of my friends, Stephy, Julia and Virginia. It was a warm summer evening and it was also all our first time going to Cho Cho San. We were excited to see what made this place a popular spot amongst the foodie world here in the Kings Cross. 

Thoughts on Subscription Boxes & the Dream box (۶* ‘ꆚ’)۶”

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Recently I've been watching heaps of subscription box opening videos on youtube and it's always exciting to see what you get each month from a particular company or theme box that you choose. 

For the Bento lovers // Hotto Motto Media Launch o(≧∇≦o)

2 months ago I was invited by Washoku Lovers to attend the exclusive media night of Hotto Motto. We were invited to enjoy the tasting of various bento's offered at Hotto Motto. In Japan, "bento" (lunch boxes) are an integral part of the food culture and represent the traditions and convenience that have been cherish since ancient times. Bento dates back to the 1600s and today they have proven to be come a popular takeaway item, due to the wide variety that exists. 

Back at The Grounds of Alexandria (♥ω♥ ) ~♪

My first weekend back in Sydney, my brothers and I decided to take my mum out for breakfast at The Grounds of Alexandria. My mum has never been before and we've shown her photo's of the times we went with our friends/partners. She thought the food, markets and animals all looked pretty cool and different! 

Guide to Japan // Basic Travel Tips 101 ヾ(๑’౪`๑)ノ゙

In 2015 I got the opportunity to travel to Japan twice and the experiences from my earlier Winter trip have made it so much easier to get around Japan when I went again, for their Summer. 

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Throughout both trips there are a few basic tips and tricks that I picked up along the way to make a more smooth sailing adventure, so below I've put together my guidelines which hopefully you will find helpful when you plan a trip to Japan. Also read my generalised [Travelling the World //Preparation] guide.