2014 SAILOR MOON CRYSTAL『美少女戦士セーラームーン』

As a kid not only did I love Doraemon and Studio Ghibli, I also loved the Sailor Moon series which I first watched it in English DUB! I completed watching the whole series quite a long time ago, in Japanese, since TV back in the days never finished the series and still to this day I bring it back up and rewatch it. Without fail it will always bring me tears and laughter!
::Free icon - Sailor Moon:: by Mimru
To bring back more memories of it, earlier this year my friend told that the new and improved Sailor Moon 2014 will be coming out in July! I was extremely excited to see how it will look like and all, until I saw the first spoiler trailer which I have below.
:::Free icon: Sailor Moon - Serenity::. by Mimru
Free Icon - Sailor Moon Broach by merelei
I simply just find the portion of the characters off? But I do like how the colours are much more define and all except the first thing I noticed was that I really did not like the eyes nor the lips as much. Regardless of the drawing style I'm still going to watch Sailor Moon Crystal series when it comes out! But I did hear that it's more closer to the manga version of sailormoon (more fighting scenes rather than character development) but yeah lets hope it's not all about fighting because I do love each and every character and how they've developed throughout the seasons!
Free Icon - Chibiusa hime by puddinprincess
Sailor Moon (Complete series 01-200, 1992-97)
Free Icon - Ginzuishou by dnya
I'll probably go into more detail about what I think of the Sailor Moon Crystal series but yeah other than that here's a few more pictures of the different drawing styles for each of the main sailor soldiers character. 
Free Icon - Disguise Pen by merelei
anime manga sailor moon comparison naoko takeuchi heavy breathing sailor moon 2014 Sailor Moon Crystal Kazuko Tadano anime manga sailor moon comparison naoko takeuchi heavy breathing sailor moon 2014 Sailor Moon Crystal Kazuko Tadano anime manga sailor moon comparison naoko takeuchi heavy breathing sailor moon 2014 Sailor Moon Crystal Kazuko Tadano
What do you guys think of the new Sailor Moon drawing style? 
Like it or loathe it?
Heart Lock by angelishi

Free Icon- Sailor and Chibi Moon by Sophie-Chu
Anyways for you Sailor Moon fans out there, the Cutie Moon Rod prop is soon to be on sale!! Now I'm not all too crazy of a fan but this prop is just so cute I want to get one myself!!
"sailor moon" "sailor moon wand" "sailor moon merchandise" "sailor moon toys" "sailor moon 2014" proplica bandai toy anime japan 2014
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  1. Such a cute post! I like Sailor Moon anime :)

    ✿ NEW POST ✿ ❤


  2. Wow!!! I grew up watching sailor moon, my bf got me the whole series on dvd last year :)

    LilynotLouise | Beauty and Food

  3. OH COOL! I've yet to get myself the whole series hahhaa :P
    But yeah! What did you think of the current drawing in the trailer and all???

  4. Naww thanks so much! I'll definitely check your blog out :D

  5. I'm not sold on the art style yet, either! I like that they look closer to the manga style, but their eyes look so dead to me! Either way, of course I'll watch the new season. My wallet is already crying at the thought but I am definitely getting the Cutie Moon Rod! I already have the Proplica Moon Stick :3

  6. True sailormoon fan i see! hahah! Yeah I guess we're just not use to the drawing and all but I saw a sneakpeek of a spoiler video of the opening theme and a bit of the first episode....Definitely prefer the drawing of the old version of sailormoon as the facial expressions don't express the funny, clumsy and lovely usagi~ :/
    But I'll keep pushing on! muahhaha :P


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