No Sugar Treats (ó﹏ò。)

Cookie divider by littlegrimoireCookie divider by littlegrimoireCookie divider by littlegrimoire
Did you know that on average, Australians consume approximately 54 kilograms of sugar per year –the equivalent of 37 teaspoons per person, per day! When the World Health Organisation recommend that sugar only contributes to five per cent of the recommended daily energy intake – or around six teaspoons a day.
Free Kawaii Apple Icon by xXScarletButterflyXx
Well Naturally has developed and communicated the benefits of “No Sugar Added” snacking. This makes it clearer and easier for health-conscious people to treat themselves better. In my case I'm able to munch on a few more blocks without feeling bad about it! 
SugarySparkles Kawaii Cupcake Icon! by Cupcake-Kitty-chan
I'm a dark chocolate kind of person and I enjoy the richer flavors of the cocoa. Well Naturally's dark chocolate block definitely has that taste there. 
Cloud Icon by Mini-Umbrella
Well Naturally's milk chocolate flavor doesn't taste as your usual sweetened chocolate as there is no sugar but it's not too bad. It smells a bit like caramel to me~
Sparkly Rainbow Icon by angelishi
Their fruit and nut flavor is so far my favorite just because it has that extra sweetness from the fruits and nuts inside it, as I'm not use to cutting off all the sugars from my chocolate just yet!
Bear : Free Icon by slothkittens
I for one enjoy eating chocolate every once in a while to treat myself but the amount of sugar inside them is not ideal, especially when you're trying to get fitter and shed some weight, so these babies are the ideal no sugar sweet treats for me!
Playful Corgi Pup Icon by angelishi
Free Icon: BMO by SinfullyCute
Daily update [081114]
Good afternoon my fellow readers! It such a beautiful day outside here but today I won't be heading out as I decided I shall start cleaning out half my wardrobe into bags to give away to charity or my cousin! I may possibly post a few things up here (all new/unworn) to see who wants to catch a bargain!
Remember to like my facebook pagesubscribe to my youtube channels (old/new), follow my instagram:"lazypandah" & LOOKBOOK:lazypandah for daily updates! 

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  1. I am a choco holic ^^

    So cool not to have sugar inside, must be more healthy ^^

    恵美より ♥


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