✿First Meal in Bali \ \ Poppies Restaurant Kuta Bali

Shamrock Divider by GasaraShamrock Divider by GasaraShamrock Divider by Gasara
Finally getting up my food reviews from my Bali trip earlier this year in summer! I apologize that it took so long but just in time for you guys to plan your eats if you're heading to Bali this summer! 
Free Kirby food avatar by SuperTuffPinkPuff
Poppies Restaurant was the first meal in Bali that we had after we got off our flight and since we were staying in Kuta the closest one was located on Jalan Popies I (Popies I St, one of their main streets and is quite narrow so you will be to sharing it with the motor bikes and all. As you can see all the Balinese people are super excited too!We had booked the restaurant in advanced before we left Sydney so that we could get a table just in case it was super busy~ 
Free Icon: BMO by SinfullyCute
Anyways so we walk through the entrance and the whole restaurant is located outdoors which was quite relaxing with all the greenery and pond to look at and there is no more honking taxi! As night drew closer the breeze started to cool us down from the heat.
Free Icon: Flabebe's Flower - Orange by SinfullyCute

Yamio icon by Yamio

Free Icon: Togepi! by Imouto-Thi
We were taken to our seat and instantly seeing that they had free wifi I asked for the password to get connected with friends, family and of course my blog page! 
Free Icon: Lumpy Space Princess by SinfullyCute
Totoro: Free icon by Miss-Rabbit
While we were deciding what to eat both HappyLingFish and I ordered a bottle of their local beer, BinTang. It was super refreshing on this humid hot day and YES! we are both over the legal age to drink, just in case if you were wondering. 
Free to Use: Strawberry Parfait Icon by Pepperjack-Kiwi
Once we knew what we wanted, we ordered the food and it came swiftly! Boy was I looking forward to eating authentic Balinese food! Indonesian food is one of my favorite cuisine as my lovely caretakers were Indonesian so I have been exposed to it since I was a baby. 
Drooling Pumpkin - Free Icon by etNoir

free donut icon by RRRAI
First off, we got their Nasi Campur,steamed rice with a daily selection of tasty accompaniments such as chicken, beef, shrimps, bean curd and vegetables, cooked in Balinese spices and herbs.
This dish was Rp.67,000 once converted it is about AUD$6.30 (they usually just leave out the three zero's at the end to make it easier for themselves). It was incredibly delicious! All the spices and flavors were just amazing that it made my taste buds crave for more!
Towers-Aki Icon 1 by angelishi
The next dish we ordered was their Chicken Satéserved over hot embers at your table with a delicious peanut sauce and steamed rice. The peanut sauce was filled with peanutty bits and it tasted so good by itself! This dish cost Rp.59 so roughly AUD$5.50.
PS's: Sorbet Paradise Icon by CrisAvatars
I was down for dessert so I got their Black Rice Pudding, a delicious local dish, sweetened with palm sugar and served with coconut milk and banana's. During my entire trip in Bali, this was the best dessert I had! I loved how simple yet tasty this was and it was Rp.33 (AUD$3)!!! Incredibly CHEAP!!!!
Number 3 Icon by ariamisu
The portions of the food were generous and the taste was AMAZING, I'm salivating as I typed this up and to top it off we only spent a total of just under AUD$20 (Rp.159,000 + 15% tax/service)!!! Super affordable and delicious what more could you ask for your first meal in Bali! If you think about it you'd probably be only be able to get one dish from a brunch menu in Australia~ The whole restaurant atmosphere had changed once night time arrived and you can see the different feel with the night time view of the bar photo below. 
Charmander Icon by angelishi
Remember to like my facebook pagesubscribe to my youtube channels (old/new), follow my instagram:"lazypandah" & LOOKBOOK:lazypandah for daily updates! 

Comments are love ♥



  1. Hiii.. from Bali. I live in Bali too.. Nice lunch you're having, but next time I can take you around to cheaper local place. For Balinese, it is very expensive coz we usually eat it for $2-3 :)

  2. Thanks!!! I'll definitely let you know next time I go~ But probably not until another 3-5 years later since I go want to go to Japan and Europe first~ And yeah I've heard there were many cheap places to eat too and street foods though I didn't want to risk the street food (super tempting) as I wasn't sure how strong my stomach will holdup! The food was still cheap for us though :D Really happy!


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