Hello 2018! Let's get started...╰(✧∇✧╰)

New level unlocked: 2018! 🎉 Congratulations on completing level 2017, and best of luck on all the challenges and thrills of this new year. Happy new year, players! 💛
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Now that you've read my reflection post for 2017, which practically sucked for me, it's time to list down my resolutions for 2018. 
Looking back on the last 2 years my resolutions were fairly similar and it will pretty much be the same for 2018. The aspects in my life that I want to focus on will be the same but I will approach them in a different way. 

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Money-wise...budgeting and investing are both on my list. If you're in your mid 20s and you haven't started doing these two things you better get started! 
Personally, I haven't really been budgeting hardcore but I do keep track of my spending with an app, which I find incredible useful, especially when I need a reference on my average spending for the future and it's also good to know where most your money goes. Mine is definitely food! 
As for investing, I've been meaning to get into this but I haven't had time to do my research and study up on market shares so I didn't want to pour my hard-earn money down the drain just yet. I am looking into cryptocurrency at the moment but we shall see how this pans out first. Definitely time to hit the books for in-depth research!

Inspiring Image on WHI
Now that I've reached the quarter life milestone, it's time to take an further step when it come to caring for my health and mind! Last year I started getting on the habit of meal prepping and it was worked out pretty well. I did see results, but I wasn't very strict as I knew getting into this routine was going to be tough. However this year I'm going to work even hard to continue meal prepping and being a little more stricter with my diet, but of course treat myself every once in a while. As for my workout routine at the gym, I might just keep this the same but as I get stronger I will be increasing the weights/rep. The week before Christmas I squatted a new heavier weight and I felt so good physically, mentally and emotionally!

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There are a few hobbies that I've picked up (again) which I'm looking forward to doing these long term in the future! 
I picked up pole dancing again early last year and it feels great to be back. Pole dancing works your entire body especially your core and strength. Plus it's a fun way to keep fit and entertained at the same time. My main goal that I would love to achieve from pole is to be able to do the splits!

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Cosplay, if you've followed me way back in the days you would of come across my cosplay outfit/makeup days~ Good times...which is why I'm thinking of bringing it back! I went to SMASH! last year cosplay as Haruhi Suzumiya and I had so much fun taking photos! I also want to get into Cosplay-related videos for my youtube channel and this was inspired by the local Australian Deerstalker youtube channel! I'll let you know how this little cosplay project of mine goes~

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When it came to my blog and youtube, well, I got very lazy last year which was a result of working full time for a full year! I apologise to all my loyal readers and viewers! I still love you all and I do read your comments and messages everyday across all my social media platforms, even if I don't reply to each and every one of them!!! During my down time I've actually been researching and planning out to improve the quality of just everything for you guys! So definitely keep an eye out for it! I aim to blog at least 1-2 times a week so you know I'm still alive! 

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Of course, to keep my mind in active, inspired and creative, I've decided to pick up a new habit for the new year. My goal is to read at least one new book a month! This month I plan to finish off reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and hopefully the whole series too.

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Photography has always been a passion of mine and I've started looking into it a little more! I've taken the tiniest baby steps in actually developing my photography skills which I know I should of done earlier. My first step towards it was getting Adobe Lighroom, which I absolutely LOVE! Next, it'll be to invest in a drone and some camera equipments! I'm super excited but also have no idea where to begin when it comes to this...so if you have any recommendations of camera/drone models, equipment, lens, etc. let me know! 

You can’t control some things, but you can control how you act and react in 2018! Do great things everyone! :D
If you could relate to any of the resolutions I've mentioned above let me know in the comments below! Also, let me know what your resolutions are for 2018 that I didn't list in my own!?

Remember to like my facebook page, subscribe to my youtube channel & follow my instagram:"lazypandah" for daily updates! 

Comments are love ♥
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