Review: GEO Princess MIMI Bambi Almond Brown

How to open: Find the arrow to lift the cap open to open up the contact bottle
Top: natural sunlight
Bottom: With flash


Comfort: ★★★★★
Very comfortable!!! 

Colour: ★★★★★
These are quite natural looking as if you are not wearing any at all!! So for those looking for super natural brwown contacts these are the ones!!

Enlargement: ★★★★★
In the Princess MIMI Bambi series almond brown is the only one with a slightly smaller diameter of 14.5mm! But they look super big and dolly when worn on, as if they were like the 15mm ones.
Overall: ★★★★★
Super recommend these for those looking for a really natural and  unnoticeable brown colour contacts with an enlargement effect!!

dyed my hair again! :)
Comments are love ♥


For those living within Australia if you haven't entered our giveaway yet enter now!! Our giveaway closes next week!!!
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  1. i'm planning to order these lens from but i'm not sure if they send you the package rite to your house or if you have to go get them from the postal office. help? and btw you look AMAZING in those lens!<3

    1. If your package has tracking it will usually get sent to your house in person (delivery man) but if you happen to be out that time they will leave a card for you to go collect them at your nearest post office. But this is for Australia's way of postage, so i'm not sure of how other countries will deal with the posts. Hope that was helpful though.


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