Review:「我的美麗日記」My Beauty Diary Japanese Cherry Blossom Mask

Does your skin appear to be tired, dry and dull???
Why not try out 我的美麗日記「My Beauty Diary」Japanese Cherry Blossom Mask!!

This masks delivers the benefits such as whitening,brightening, soothing and refreshes fatigue and darkening skin!
The ingredients used in this mask includes a mixture of Japanese Somei-Yoshino Cherry extract, Lemon & Kiwi extracts and Arnica & Aloe extracts. 

So let's put this baby on..!

Loving this mask as it always leaves my skin feel fresh, smooth and super soft!! Don't believe me?? Well this mask is ranked 2nd on the My Beauty Diary Website!See for yourself "here"


Effects: ★★★★★
After peeling the mask off my face i noticed that the fatigue appearance disappears making my skin soft, smooth and fresh!

Mask material: ★★★★★
The mask is paper thin which is great!!!

Formula/Aroma: ★★★★★
The formula is a gel-like liquid which is easily absorbed!! There is a generous amount in the packet so you can use the rest on your neck. The smell of the mask is just beautiful~~

Cost: ★★★★★
Super affordable! I have seen a box of 10 sheets for $15 around Sydney's CBD!! But for those living elsewhere you can purchase them online such ebay and or you may even have a sasa shop near you! 

Overall: ★★★★★
Definitely recommend this mask to any of you who have dry, tired skin and just need something to freshen them up a bit! Of course this mask is suitable for any skin type!! 

Thank you to all those who had enter our giveaway!!
&& Results will be out SOON!!!

Never stop smiling everyone!!

Comments are love ♥



  1. thanks for the review! this mask shall be on my wishlist :D

  2. Believe me when i say this ... start using rose water i know .. kinda' old school but YOU are gonna see some FANTABULOUS results ! :D

  3. ooo~ thanks for the tip~ i shall give rose water a go :D


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