└(^o^ )X( ^o^)┘ Mid-Sem Holiday's Day 1, Desert Time, part 2

After lunch at Ichiban Boshi一番星 we just window shopped around in Kinokuniya as our food was slowly being digested. Then we slowly made our way down to World Square for desert. We headed to Passionflower for a refreshing desert moment!
I remember the first time coming to Passionflower with my cousins and the first time i came with friends back in high school. Since then it has been at least 5+ years since i've had Passionflower icecream!! I use to order from the "Just 4 us" section where it was just pure ice-cream! 
Anyways moving along, i had ordered the Heartbreaker once again as it was really nice when i ordered it last time at the Smash!Maid After Party! So today i will give you my ratings for the Heartbreaker!
Heartbreaker Ratings:

If you love strawberries and anything strawberry flavored then this is the right choice to choose!! It is filled with strawberry ice-cream, fresh strawberries, strawberry syrup and topped off with whipped cream! 

The Heartbreaker cost AUD$14.I think it is a reasonable price for the amount you get! Though back in the days i would think it was expensive since i was a kid with no money...

Highly recommend the Heartbreaker even though the name sounds sad but i think that's the point because it just fills you up with sweetness and happiness!!!

I also got my new phone yesterday!! Officially ditching my Xperia for the Samsung Galaxy S3. Which reminds me..My very first mobile phone was also Samsung!! 
As for today i don't think i'll be doing much expect dance so don't think i'll be blogging much on day 2 of my holidays~ Here is a movie trailer to brighten up your morning!! 
Hotel Transylvania looks so good! I love watching my cartoons!! Anyways i've started my cleansing diet meals and so i'll be on my way to losing my winter fat :D
Comments are love ♥


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