White Day ♡ ホワイトデー (。・ω・。)ノ♡

Happy White Day!
So what is this day about?
In Japan, Valentines Day is typically seen as girls or women giving chocolates gifts to express their love, courtesy or social obligations. In 1978, the National Confectionery Industry Association had made an answer day for Valentines Day, which is exactly one month from Valentines Day itself. Men would have to pay back the chocolates or gifts they had received, by paying twice or three times the Valentines gift. This day is called White Day and it is more commonly celebrated in Japan, although a few countries such as Korea and China celebrate it too, but in different ways.
White Day gifts usually consists of cookies, jewellery, white chocolate, white lingerie and marsh mellow.
So if you a receive a gift today it may be an expression of love interest, manners of returning a gift for Valentines Day or maybe it's your birthday!?
Either way i hope everyone had a wonderful White Day. As for me i didn't really do much since i had uni for the whole day, but that didn't stop me from dressing up and looking nice for you guys to send a quick message! 
Also Happy Pi Day (π) 3.14
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