Shinkansen to Kyoto // Night Illumination ☆ミ

Star + Dangles Divider (Pink-DarkPurple) - F2U! by Drache-LehreStar + Dangles Divider (Pink-DarkPurple) - F2U! by Drache-LehreStar + Dangles Divider (Pink-DarkPurple) - F2U! by Drache-Lehre
After breakfast it was time for us to take the shinkansen, also known as the bullet trains, to Kyoto!!! 
Kawaii Camera pixel icon by miemie-chan3
The bullet trains are super fast, clean and smooth, so no bumps along the way. It is about 3 hours to get to Kyoto station from Shibuya on the fastest shinkansen (Hikari). 
Kawaii Angler Fish Icon by xXScarletButterflyXx
Keep your ticket with you at all times as there will be ticket inspectors walking up and down the aisle to ensure you are not sitting in someone else's seat or on the wrong train. 
Rocket Icon by Mini-Umbrella
Our luggage's takes up so much space but since there isn't many people on the train we used the spare seating's around us too. 
Free Kawaii Onigiri Icon by xXScarletButterflyXx
Before we boarded our train we bought ourselves an obento (lunch box) so we could have lunch on the way to Kyoto. I really wanted the eel lunch box set but was all sold out so I got this mixed onigiri set instead. 
Jiggly Jello Icon by Mini-Umbrella
3 hours later we finally arrive in Kyoto and my amazing friend, Ryota, came to pick us up to take us on our first adventure away from the main city.
Kawaii Earth Icon by xXScarletButterflyXx
We ditched our luggage's in the back of Ryota's car and set off to see the Night Illumination which is popular for tourist and local's to visit during the winter season. We pasted by a scenery of hills which apparently use to be the land of ninja's were born and breed! 
[free] miku icon pack by kokotea
We finally arrived at the Night Illumination and it was absolutely stunning but the photo's does not justify the place at all!
Kawaii ghost icon by nayuri-chan
Free Moon Icon by Mizzi-Cat
While walking along to the attraction ride we saw an onsen which you can soak your feet! Instantly our shoes and socks came off and we felt bliss! Earlier that day Max and I had been walking so much and once it was time for a soak in the hot waters our feet instantly swelled up!!
Kawaii Chocolate Chip Cookie by CrisAvatars
Just a snap of us enjoying the foot soak before heading off to the attraction ride.
Banana Icon by CptnDerp
The attraction ride was this UFO disk which takes you up, high above the ground to get that bird view of the whole place when it is light up. 
free totoro icon by RRRAI
As we were going up we had to be seated until they announced that it was safe to stand up and take a look at the view. 
monkey head icon by milkbun was slow as it headed up which is why Max and I took a funny face photo. It's good to still be hanging out with high school mates! 
Adventure Time Wobbly Jake Icon by angelishi
We finally made it to the top and we started to rotate slowly for that 360 degree view! It was absolutely breathtaking. 
Free Icon: Jellow Ice Cube by SinfullyCute
Once we landed back onto ground level, we continued exploring the area. I really loved how the lights are captures in the reflection of the lake surface. 
Green Heart Icon by angelishi
The illumination tunnel is quite popular and you will see heaps of people trying to take the perfect shot! 
Icon Commission: Couples icon: Espeon by SinfullyCute
Here's our perfect-enough group shot!!! 
FREE ICON/AVATAR - Pink Deer by Lorsi
Once we came out of the starry-like tunnel we encountered a light show section which replicated Nigeria Falls. 
Aedis Icon by ariamisu
We then entered another tunnel of lights but this one would change in colour, from green-orange-yellow. These were replicating the changing colours of leaves I guess. 
Free Cloud Icon by Mizzi-Cat
Another shot which looked so much better in person than in photo's!
FREE PEACH icon by Oni-chu
After all that walking and photo taking we were getting hungry, so Ryota took us to his favorite restaurant which is located inside the night illumination itself! We quickly placed our orders as we were super hungry
noodles icon by RRRAI
What I loved about this restaurant was they offer all-you-can-eat bread rolls in different flavors!! You can only have 3 breads at a time but the waitress comes along every so often so you can keep getting some delicious breads! My favorite was the Houcha (roasted tea) flavored croissant 
Free Pusheen Cat Icon by iDJPanda
While we were choosing which bread to try first our complimentary soup came. At first glance I thought it was pumpkin soup but once I tasted it, it was actually carrot soup with the pumpkin soup-like texture!! It was incredibly delicious!!!
Free Cauldron Icon by xXScarletButterflyXx
For the main, I ordered the hamburg steak and it was super moist, tender and flavorsome. (drooooooooools)
ICON: Blue Snowflake Mittens by Cupcake-Kitty-chan
Ryota ordered the crab meat cream croquette, which I took a bite of too. It was piping hot and it was generously stuffed with crab meat. The tomato salsa-like sauce went very well with the croquette. 
Blue ted icon - FREE USE by steffne
As for Max, he ordered the Winter Illumination recommended 3 course meal. The entree was very delicate and I managed to try the pâté and it was soooooooo good!!
Free icon: Luna Pusheen by kittycas
The main was a beef dish which was presented very beautifully. 
Kawaii Fries - Free Avatar by the-rose-of-tralee
Last but not least coffee and desserts was the last items of the course meal. 
ICON: Double-Scoop Bear by Cupcake-Kitty-chan
All the desserts were incredibly delicious, but my favorite was the sorbet as it was really refreshing! 
animated uno icon by RRRAI
After dinner we had about 30 minutes left until the place closed for the day, so we took the opportunity to take more photo's!! 
Faye Icon for Fayezor-guava by Messybun
A shoutout to my dear friend Ryota for driving us around that day and taking us to places where we wouldn't have been able to get to without his help!!
Free Icon - Chibiusa hime by puddinprincess
All this night illumination talk reminds me of Sydney's VIVID festival which is ending on the 8th June! If you've never been to VIVID go out and have a look! I took Ryota to his first VIVID earlier last week when he was in Sydney for a short visit. 

Remember to like my facebook pagesubscribe to my youtube channels (old/new), follow my instagram:"lazypandah" & LOOKBOOK:lazypandah for daily updates! 

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  1. Awesome post! I must add "eating an obento on the shinkansen" to my bucket list as it looks really yummy! I've taken the shinkansen many times but never brought food ;_; The foot onsen seems like a great idea too, less effort than the full experience. I love your blog!

  2. Thanks for reading!! :)
    & yes definitely try out their bento's they have! There are usually shops selling them near the platforms otherwise there is a lady with a trolley walking down the aisle of the shinkansen too :)
    Foot onsen was the best decision!! It was so soothing and relaxing after a longggg day of walking :P


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