Guide to shopping at Innisfree Online (*≧▽≦)

*PHOTO HEAVY - Click on images for larger quality* 
In today's blog post I will be sharing how to shop on the Innisfree website. The first time I ever started using and purchasing Innisfree products was back in Jul 2015. I have been using their products, especially their skincare for over a year now and I absolutely love it. However, it is not available in-stores here in Australia and I don't get many chances to travel much, now that I'm working full time too, it makes it quite difficult to get my hands on their products. 

My solution to this problem is to purchase their beauty and skincare products through their online store, which is super easy to navigate, reasonable pricing's and free goodies too! Keep reading till the end for my discount code!

When you head to the >website< you will see their homepage, which will look sometime like the above screenshots. I like to check the Offer's tab, to see what special offers or discounts they may be having when I shop. 

To really begin shopping, it is best to login by clicking the "Sign in" button to access your account first and continue shopping as you would. But, if you have not signed up with them yet, you can do so by clicking the "Register" button. 

If it's your first time signing up to Innisfree you will come across this page, where you fill out a few details such as your name, email, password & in the referral CODE & ID section you can enter in the below referral details for more discounts.

Once you have made your account, you can then begin shopping for products you want to buy. I absolutely love their skincare products, especially their sheet mask because their prices are really cheap!

Once you find the product you want, you will find the description and how to use information for the product. Additionally, you can also find other customers reviews and questions regarding about this product too. Once you are happy with what you see, you simply just click "Add to bag".  

A popup will appear once you add an item to your bag, you can either continue shopping or continue to checkout once you have placed all the products you want into your bag. 

Once you click the "Checkout" button you will be redirected to this page, where you review what you want to buy and what free goodies they have to offer during your purchase. Innisfree are super generous as they gave me a discount and free sample codes for all first time users!
✧DISCOUNT CODE - 160830KTR661340

When you have applied the discount code and checked your bag, then it's time to pay! You will need to fill in your shipping/billing details and choose a method of shipping and payment too. They accept a few different methods of payment, but I find either Credit card or Paypal the easiest method for me! 

Once you have made payment, you will receive the following notification's: your order has been accepted, order has been shipped and your order has been delivered.

I hope you guys found this how-to guide on Innisfree simple and do leave a comment below what Innisfree product is you favourite or which product you'd love to try! I'm planning to do an Innisfree giveaway so I would love to know what you guys want!! You can also read some of my innisfree product reviews >HERE<

Sorry for the delay post on this Innisfree, I've been having some technical issues plus it has also been super busy with both my jobs and all~ But now that I finally have some rest, I can get some more blog content up!! 

Remember to like my facebook page, subscribe to my youtube channel, follow my instagram:"lazypandah" & LOOKBOOK:lazypandah for daily updates! 

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