Bring on the (Lunar) New Year! ˏ₍•ɞ•₎ˎˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ

Hello my loves! This is my very first blog post of 2017 and I have so much lined up ready to be published, but first I thought I'd blog about something we all go through, which is reflecting on the past year and making goals to achieve this year. I've had so many exciting changes and experiences in 2016, which I am going to share a few major ones with you guys.

First of all, I travelled quite a bit this year and I now I need to save even more to travel again because I have the travel bug! I went to New Zealand earlier in the year, which has been the most beautiful and amazing trip ever! Everywhere I went it was like a picture was painted in front of me. It was also me and my boyfriends' first international trip together. Next we visited Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Macau and Hong Kong during the Christmas and New Year season. Besides HK & Macau, I had never stepped foot into the other countries and I was super excited to visit each place and stuff my face with food! 

The next change was when I finished my final semester of uni in June and graduated officially in November. My family was there to congratulate me and I was really happy that I had finally completed my degree, despite all the program changing issues. This closed the chapter on my uni life in UNSW. Still to this day, I miss my uni from time to time, especially the crispy skin chicken pho and chicken rolls (bahn mi). If you are a student a UNSW and you're reading this blog entry, I highly recommend those 2. 

In addition to completing my degree, unofficially, I was incredibly lucky to to have found a full-time job in July. These days it can be quite hard to find a full-time job, as many company's would prefer to hire experienced people. As for myself, I literally applied for any entry level job during my last 2 weeks of my final semester in uni and I now work in an international IT company. P.S. I had none to little IT knowledge at the time I applied! 

I would say those were the major events in 2016 and reflecting upon them now, it reminds me of how fast time has gone by. 
Anyways, moving on from 2016, 2017 has been great so far. I was overseas for the New Years with my boyfriend and his family, but it's good to be back home in time for the Lunar/Chinese New Years to be with my family. As per usual there is an endless list of thing I'd like to achieve, experience and change, so here are a few~

First off, progress in my job. I'm hoping to progress further in my career at my current workplace, or if a better offer arrives at my feet I'll be taking it! However, I really like the people that I work with so hopefully progress won't be too far off. As for position-wise, I'm starting to learn off HR (human resource) and starting to think maybe project coordinator or even an account manager.

Next, saving to invest is another one of my long-term goals that I am working towards. This is pretty vague but basically it's me being more wise with my money to invest into my future. This includes anything from housing, bills, insurances, my own business (someday!), travel (I don't think I could live without travelling!), etc. For starters, I've taken the first step into the world of market shares and I've also been looking at apartments/housings. However, I have no intentions of moving out just yet, but both my boyfriend and I have been thinking that in the near future, if we're still together, we would eventually move in together which would be the next step in our relationship. 

Here comes the generic goal for almost every girl out there, which is being healthier & fitter. I hate writing this goal every year, but you know what! being healthier and fitter in all different aspects will make a huge difference in your daily life. I've been very focused at the gym (weight lifting) for the past year as I trained with a mate of mine! I've definitely gained more muscles and strength. Also, only recently have I decided to prepare meals that will help me in the processing of shredding some fat, but this year I'm thinking of picking up pole dancing again. I use to do pole 2 years ago and stopped because I was overloaded with uni work. 

Last of all, I plan to improve the quality of my youtube videos and also my blog content for you guys! You guys keep me going with my work here on the internet, and I want to show that appreciation by putting in more effort on my social platforms as well as giveaways for when we hit milestones together! I wasn't able to get a video up this week, but I will definitely get one up running next week. 

Well that is all folks! I do have some personal goals to achieve this year, but that list is way too long and it would probably take me till the end of 2017 to list them all. I shall end my blog post here for now and will come back with some more entries soon! I hope you all had a wonderful Lunar New Year everyone!~ I'm planning to go visit the temples over the weekend, as I wanted to avoid the major crowds yesterday. I will also be bringing my boyfriend, who has never been to the temples around Sydney.

It is already the last day of January! I cannot believe how fast this month went by! I've already booked my next flight with my boyfriend for another adventure, which we're both looking forward too! I've also made some videos, one which is ready to be published on Wednesday 12pm (AEST). Also keep up to date with me on my instagram & blog! (links below!)

Remember to like my facebook page, subscribe to my youtube channel, follow my instagram:"lazypandah" & LOOKBOOK:lazypandah for daily updates! 

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