Bye Piggy / Hello Year of the Rat (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

Image result for year of the rat anime
Happy Lunar New Year! I was planning to have this post out for the New Year but got a little distracted~ It has been super hot but fun-filled hanging out with my friends and family while trying to stay cool. The bush fires here in Australia were not fun as I had to cancel my road trip, but I'm glad we did get some rain although in Canberra they had huge hail which came smashing through the glass... 
2020, another decade has gone by and so much has changed in my life on so many different levels and aspects. As we ring on the new year, like many, we all have goals we want to accomplish and achieve so here are a few of mine relating to my health, career and personal interest. 

I've continued my pole adventures and ended the last class with a strong static V and have continue to practice this move so I'm able to keep up my strength and core. I've also picked up bouldering which has tested my physical strength, problem solving skills and my fear of heights. Earlier this month I did my first outdoor boulder and completed it successfully which I'm quite proud of. This year I'm hoping to be able to continue both these activities and maybe even pick up BJJ or Kickboxing. 

Also, meal prepping is something that I enjoy doing but became difficult to upkeep towards the end of 2019 due to a change in career (back into retail) where my routine would vary so as a result I wasn't able to find a good routine where I could cook my weekly meal preps or go to the gym as regularly as I'd use to. This year I'm hoping to get back into this healthy route again while finding a new office job so I can have a routine back in place. 

Meditation is something I've picked up and only practice when I needed to just wind down and be able to reflect. It doesn't work every time for me but it does gives me a chance to just breathe in peace, relax and have me-time. I've also started writing in my "One Day A Line" memory book again and it's fun to look back at what I did in the past. 

I'm not a huge believer of superstitions but I did ask my dad if I was having a bad luck year (2019) or if the Year of the Pig was just not for me and it looks like it was (oh boy!). 2019 has probably been one of my toughest year where I went from working in an office back into retail full time for a brand that I personally love, only to learn their values didn't align with mine, jeopardising my health, well-being and mental state. In the end I quit as it wasn't worth putting my health and happiness on the line. During the holiday season I picked up shifts at my old workplace which I've kept since my uni days and also assisted in a project with Koko San Management, which I'm very proud of.  

I haven't been able to focus much on my writing in the last few years and I miss sharing my experiences, hobbies and photos with you, my amazing readers. So this year I'll try to dedicate a little more time in creating and sharing posts relating to travel, cosplay and my otaku lifestyle. 

I've been getting into cosplay a little bit more and I've thoroughly enjoyed the journey. In the last year I've been able to meet local cosplayer's that I've admired and look up to and this year I'm hoping to be able to learn from their amazing craftsmanship, unique makeup styles and do some more shoots. I've already got two planned out so far and just awaiting for the costume to arrive so I can make some tweaks to it. 

I want to explore more of my creativity side so I've been bringing my doodling book around with me so that I can draw more. When I was a kid I vividly remember telling my dad that I wanted to be an artist and he told me that was a good plan until he shut it down at the end with "artist don't make a lot of money until they die". He wasn't against my dream but I guess it was just his way of looking out for me. Another hobby I do want to pick up is learning how to play the guzheng, a traditional Chinese string instrument (equivalent to the Western piano I guess you could say). I've always been fascinated with this piece of instrument since I was young and currently finding places where I'll be able to learn so hopefully I'll be able to schedule something soon~

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