Review: Bioré Gentle Make-up Removing Wipes

Super exhausted but still have to get all that make up off before going to bed!

Fear not as here we have Bioré Gentle make up removing wipes to easily remove all traces of makeup!! YAYY!! But will it really work??
Bur....will it work??
Let's put it to the test!!!
Wiping half my face--->
(*TIP: hold the wipes onto your face for about 10 seconds before wiping off the makeup)

Results are quite amazing i must say!! 

Here half my face with and without makeup (using the bioré wipes)


Removal of make up: 
Removes majority of my makeup but does leave some traces of mascara behind. Other than that it is great!!

The formula is great as the wipes are infused with the purifying power of green tea which leaves our skin free from oil and daily impurities as well as greasy residue!!

These wipes are really handy if you come home super tired and just want to go to sleep but must remove the makeup off! You can also bring them around to sleep overs!

Comments are love ♥


1 comment :

  1. I was actually looking into this~ c:
    Thanks for sharing!


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