is coming to SYDNEYヾ(@^∇^@)ノ

So few weeks ago I had received an e-mail from one of the staff at wanting me to attend as their "star blogger",(these are the exact word they used for me *EXCITED!*)at their promotional event which will be held in SYDNEY!! The event is for the PINK REVOLUTION! What is the Pink Revolution? Well October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. Pink Revolution is Hong Kong Cancer Fund's annual breast cancer awareness and fundraising campaign in line with the global initiative for breast cancer. will be having a 7 day promotion booth at World Square Courtyard from the 22nd October to 28th October in order to expose their online shop, SASA.COM, to Australian shoppers, such as myself.
So why come??

There will be free samples, coupons and discount vouchers distributed out on the days and come on who doesn't love free stuff!! Also those who are registered with will be able to join in the lucky draws.Come check their facebook event "HERE" or go onto the SASA.COM website "HERE"
Also it's a chance for all my Sydney followers/subscribers to meet me in person as I will be there for the gift-giving ceremony, lucky draws and beauty sharing sessions on the 25th October THURSDAY as's Star Blogger, so i hope to see you guys all there!

So if you want all the inside scoop of the promotional booth FOLLOW my blog, SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel/s and LIKE my facebook page!! So Let's Paint The World In Pink together!!

As you can see i tried to keep this blog entry as pink as possible but i guess i failed towards the end. So i'm just going to end the second blog post for today here!! If you haven't checked out my previous blog entry for today do so now by clicking "HERE" or keep scrolling down!!
Fashion of the day 
H&M, tank top
b + ab, studded shorts
Siren, coral platform wedges
Vivienne Westwood, bag
Comments are love ♥



  1. This is really inspiring!! The way your career started out sounds exactly like mine, I'm just hoping it ends like it , and use inspired me to never ever give up on my goal. promotional staffing

    1. I'm glad to have inspired you to not give up on your goals and dreams!
      Keep working hard and your results will be amazing!!!

      -Miss Sennnaa


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