Review: LÚCIDO-L Hair Treatment Water

Are you in a hurry to head out but you either have dry hair or bed hair!! What to do??!
 Well fear not because LÚCIDO-L's Hair Treatment Water can help smooth your hair whilist retaining the moisture in the hair!!
I just take about 3-5 pumps for my entire head as you guys all know i had dyed my ends pink last month and to obtain the pink my hair went through the bleaching process twice which will make any hair dry. 
After the careful treatment and maintaining at the salon  and at home i tend to get lazy with my hair masks or i run out of them quickly so i like to use this treatment water everyday to keep my hair soft, smooth and moisturized! 
LÚCIDO-L, Hair Treatment Water, 250mL Ratings:

My hair is really soft and smooth after 2-5 minutes of using the spray. It also makes my hair tangle free because it is no longer dry like hay!! (well okay my hair was never dry like hay but it was dry~)

The formula is liquid based and is super easy to spray all over your hair!! Because it is a liquid-based formula it doesn't bring the hair down making it heavy or anything. It also has a slight floral scent which makes your hair smell delightful!!

I love the packaging because it's very hygienic and super easy to use!! No fuss about getting the product out at all! The blue bottle makes it look as if the product will be gentle on our hair, which it is!!  

Since i bought this ages ago i don't remember the price but the cheapest price you can purchase off ebay is under AUD$12!! I think this price is quite cheap for a 250mL bottle!!

Highly recommend if any of you guys are suffering from tangled dry hair or if you just need something quick and easy to maintain your bedhead because you're in a rush to head out to meet up with friends!

Pampering your hair regularly will leave you and your hair feeling great!! So don't neglect it because who would want brittle hay-like hair right!!? I mean it's not nice to touch and can be scratchy against your skin too!! So remember to care for your hair too, even though it can be of a hassle sometimes. 

The next  LÚCIDO-L product will be related to styling my hair!!
Anyways i'm putting together items for my next giveaway since it has been forever since i last had one!! So it's best to do one soon! Comment below on what item's you'd like to see in the giveaway e.g. makeup, colour contacts, plush toys, clothing's, accessories, etc.
Remember to like my facebook page, subscribe to my youtube channels (old/new) & follow my instagram:"lazypandah" if you want to know what i get up to in my daily life!! 
Comments are love ♥


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