Review: Beauty Clinic Mediheal Pomegranate Ade Mask

Sorry for the bad lightning, it was starting to get dark :/
It's been two weeks since I last pampered my skin so I decided to hydrate my skin before Winter hits us tomorrow!
The Pumpkin Ade Mask is so far my favorite one but today I shall be trying out the Pomegranate Ade Mask. This mask is meant to moisturize and firm up the skin. Let's put it on!

Beauty Clinic Mediheal Pomegranate Ade Mask Ratings:

Effects: ★★★★
My face feel super hydrated and firm after using this mask. My skin looks clear and freshened up!

Mask material: ★★★★★
As you can see in the photo's above the material of the mask is cotton-based and has some unique patterns on it so that our skin can absorb the serum better.

Formula/Aroma: ★★★★★
Love how this one has a subtle scent of pomegranate, Mmmm~ 

Cost: ★★★★☆
This mask cost AUD$4.50, but was on a sale at BUY 1 GET 1 FREE so I got 2 mask for AUD$2.25/each, which I think is relatively cheap. 

Overall: ★★★★☆
For first-time users of facial mask I highly recommend this one and also to those who feel like their skin is starting to dry up, this will help you boost up the moisture. 

One more week of uni, but I still have my final exams to do until I'm free to film and get more blogging done! So during my slow updating process, remember to enter the 2nd Anni. Giveaway and I do check if you have followed all the rules which are required. This morning I had sent over 10 e-mail's to notify some of the contestants that they were missing some vital information required for the giveaway. Only a few had managed to follow the rules correctly, so please try and follow the rules so I don't have to send out e-mails catching up on details, THANKS!

Going to end today's post with the weekly Instagram & Fashion updates. 
On Tuesday, I woke up early to head off to the gym before meeting up with my childhood friend, Stephanie, to catch up and go shopping. It was a chilly and eerie morning as a huge fog swept across the whole of Sydney.
Taken from my instagram: lazypandah
This was taken around my neighbourhood
Taken from my instagram: lazypandah
Lunch with Stephanie at Snag Stand
Taken from my instagram: lazypandah
Wouldn't it be nice if Santa did exist and these just magically appeared in my mail box
 On Wednesday, I met up with Stephanie, again, super early in the morning where we were once again welcomed by the foggy weather. We were off to Manly to check some stuff out. It was pretty creepy as we saw the ferries disappeared into the fog and soon our ferry would too. We couldn't even see the Harbour Bridge.
Taken from my instagram: lazypandah
Crossing the Harbour to Manly
Taken from my instagram: lazypandah
Amazing blue sky as we leave Manly and head back to the city
Taken from my instagram: lazypandah
We got ourselves a snack before we left Manly
 On Friday, I headed out to the city with the boyfriend and we just decided to explore plaza's which are hidden in alleyways! It was a good adventure as we found a Japanese convenience store. They had all sorts of Japanese snacks and I found the Matcha (Green Tea) Kitkat's which I have been wanting to try for a super long long time! Now I understand the rave about them!! 

Taken from my instagram: lazypandah
3 of the items are peach-related
Taken from my instagram: lazypandah
Fashion of the Day [310513]
Cheval- Sweater
ASOS- Cross stockings
Brandless- Boots

Remember to like my facebook page, subscribe to my youtube channels (old/new) & follow my instagram:"lazypandah" for daily updates! 

Comments are love ♥



  1. The texture on that mask is really interesting! I've tried a pomegranate mask from the face shop, but it smelled really artificial. D:
    I love sheet masks, nice you have tons of reviews on them! :D

    1. Oh really! I haven't tried out a pomegranate mask from the face shop but this one doesn't smell strong nor artificial so you might prefer this one! It has a really subtle scent~


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