✿ Chopped Away (☉ε ⊙ノ)ノ

I look sad here somehow...but I really wasn't...
Sunflower and Butterflies - Free Divider by etNoirSunflower and Butterflies - Free Divider by etNoirSunflower and Butterflies - Free Divider by etNoirSunflower and Butterflies - Free Divider by etNoirSunflower and Butterflies - Free Divider by etNoir
As you can tell from my blog title I’m sure you know what I’ll be talking about today and if you’ve been following me on instagram (@lazypandah) you would already know!
Free Kawaii Apple Icon by xXScarletButterflyXx
On Monday I went and got a haircut and when I mean cut I really do mean cut. Usually I’d just get a trim but this time I went and chopped off more than half the length of my hair and I love it...okay well it’s not a perfect hair cut as I didn’t want my hair to be too short so there isn’t many layers yet! The length now is perfect as the weather heats up to 30+ degrees! The last time I got a haircut was also around the same time last year which you can read all about it >here<
Icon by eo21
So why did I decide to snip off most of my long hair, well it was because of two main reasons which were:
#1. The pink ends were really dry and fading into an ugly hay-pink colour which isn’t very attractive if you saw it in real life.
#2. The heavy burden on my neck and time to blow dry my hair. So my hair was quite heavy which made my neck sore and I would have to crack it often to relief it and ju
st blow drying my hair takes about 10-15 minutes or so.
Sunshine Icon by Mini-Umbrella
The benefits of my shorter length hair:
#1. Healthier looking hair!!! Need I say more?
#2. Blow drying my hair now takes less than 5 minutes, meaning more time to get ready or check up on other things before I leave the house or go to bed.
#3. Staying cooler in summer! As I’m not really going anywhere for most of the summer (BOO!!!) having shorter hair will keep me cool as the temperature rises.
Jellystick icon by Oni-chu

Robu 2 by Emoji-kunDo I miss my long hair?
Well I guess there are a few things I miss about it and of course the length was one of them. I’ve always loved long hair as I love how you can change the style so easily whereas shorter hair has its limitations at that, but it’s okay! You can just grow it out again, meaning no more haircuts for a year if I want to grow it back out to that length again. Another factor I miss about my long hair is……flicking it into my friends’ faces…YES! I’m a bit weird but I enjoy doing so, whether my hair is up or down!
SugarySparkles Kawaii Cupcake Icon! by Cupcake-Kitty-chan

Anyways I’m just going to embrace my hair as it is now and get some more layers as soon as it grows out and maybe dye my hair too, back to my old chocolate brown again, which I do dearly miss. 
Miku-Nyan Icon by AutumnIsAki
Can you believe it is exactly two weeks till Christmas!! I’ve been super busy with work but hopefully I’ll get some videos filmed and uploaded up soon!! I’ll leave you guy with a photo of me and my new hair!!

Remember to like my facebook pagesubscribe to my youtube channels (old/new), follow my instagram:"lazypandah" & LOOKBOOK:lazypandah for daily updates! 

Comments are love ♥


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  1. I liked your old haircut, but I like this one just as much! I know how you feel, I had bleach blonde ends and I had to snip them... I followed you~ You're so cute!

    ~*~*~*~Btw, please check out my blog! If you leave any comments on my posts, I will happily return the favor! I will follow back too!



    Thank you!<3

  2. Thanks <3 Yeah I do miss my old hair but I'm loving my new hair for the summer :P
    & Yes I will be checking your blog out :D


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