Goodbye 2013, hello 2014! ヾ(。◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ

Crystals Divider by r0se-designsCrystals Divider by r0se-designsCrystals Divider by r0se-designsCrystals Divider by r0se-designs
I wish you all a Happy New Years and all the best for 2014. It’s finally the first day of 2014 and I cannot believe how fast 2013 went by. Thank you, my wonderful readers, for being on this journey with me and of course 2014’s first blog entry. Today I will share my reflection on the past year and what I want to achieve this year.
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Last year went by quickly whereas the first half went by quite smoothly, on the other hand the second half of the year troubles approached me vapidly and it wasn’t such a great time. Although the second half of the year wasn’t so great I managed to fit in some time of happiness by spending it with my childhood friend and family. In 2013 I like to believe I have improved with my blogging lifestyle as this was reflected through the continuous amounts of  being invited to more events, more sponsors and earning a bit from my work too (which is a bonus!). I thank each and every one of my friends and of course you my amazing readers the support you gave me, reading my blog entries every time they are live even though they can be quite boring topics sometimes. THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE SINCE THE BEGINNING, MIDDLE OR END! I can’t believe how much support I get from you guys and it makes me happy to read your e-mails all the time!
Cookies and Milk by Mini-Umbrella
This year, 2014, what better way to take on this year than to write up a resolution for both personal and my blog!
FREE DIVIDER: Strawberry Medley by Crystal-MooreFREE DIVIDER: Strawberry Medley by Crystal-Moore
Resolution for my Blog
1. Update more- this year I want to try and blog once every two days, hopefully on topics which guys can relate to in life such as fitness and health, relationships and breakup’s, food, travelling ,fashion, makeup, etc. Not only through my blog but my other social media platforms such as INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, LOOKBOOK, WHATIWEAR, etc.
Free Kawaii Donut Icon by xXScarletButterflyXx
2. More Photo shoots- hopefully once or twice a month. As much as you guys love seeing the shoots I enjoy the moments and efforts I put in towards them. This year hopefully my editing skills will improve to make them look better than ever, which moves onto my next resolution..
Moon Icon by Mini-Umbrella
3. Learn Photoshop & movie editors- yes, not so I can change my face and look like a doll, make me look super tall and slim but to just enhance the photo’s I take and add cute drawings and icon’s to appeal to you guys more. My inspiration comes from the photographer blogger Yutakis, with his achievement of two online photo books and his latest one which was an actual printed photo book.
Free Avvie: Kawaii Pastries by lexypuppy228
4. PO BOX?- I do have a P.O Box and I’m not sure whether or not I should share it but I know some readers want to send personal letters rather in the form of email as it doesn’t have a personal touch to it. I may even send a personal letter back too, so let me know if you want the P.O Box address.
Royal Air Mail Avatar by Kezzi-Rose
5. More Social Media!!-  I’ve been slowly approaching more levels of social media but I still have a few I need to add to my list: TUMBLR, TWITTER, PIN INTEREST, etc. which I shall update you guy when I do have made them.  
 1x1.trans Free Cute Goodies
halfway there
1x1.trans Free Cute Goodies
Resolution for Myself
1. Find a job & save- it’s been two weeks since my Christmas casual job ended. This means it’s time to save up again while I hunt for another job to feed my food addiction, shopping sprees and travelling dreams.
Bear Plushie - Free Avvie by r0se-designs
2. Balance studies & blogging- last year I was invited to many blogging events and I guess it was an exciting factor to come by and I took up every chance I could, which resulted me in neglecting some of my studies. This year I must balance them both equally and choose whether I have time to do so, as blogging is not a lifelong career, unfortunately.
Pen n Paper by angelishi
3. Staying fit & healthy- last year I managed to keep in good health until the last two months as I had finals then work which was physically and mentally draining and tiring. I didn’t dance or head to the gym due to being fatigue which resulted in me getting a sore throat which has mostly healed now, as my friend brought me some medicines and Chinese teas. (WORKED LIKE A CHARM!). This year it’s time to be that healthy and fit again with dance, pole dance & once again back at the gym. (Yes, I’ve been doing pole dance for about 6 months now and I love it! Shall blog about this topic next time!).
Diamonds and Star Jar by yaile
4. Do the Splits!- last year I finally was able to do the  bridge, all thanks to pole classes and I’ve slowly been getting closer and closer to being able to do the splits (sideways and front ways). Hopefully I can achieve the splits this year! Wish me luck guys!
Sunshine Icon by Mini-Umbrella
5. Better listener & effective talker- my communication skills have not always been the best and helping others is what my course has been teaching me for the past 3 years and continuous improvement on communication skills will help me and others in life too.
Free Avatar - Sleepy Hamster by Kiki-Myaki
6. Develop & Grow with family & friends- as much as I love meeting new people and growing a new friendship I do fall back a lot onto my old friends that I met in high school or who I have grown up with. Developing and growing these relationships mean everything to me as it is those old friends who have stuck by you all this time and supported you in your best and worst moments. I thank each and every one of my friends for being by my side regardless of how crazy I am at times.
 Heart Lock by angelishi

WOO! That was a long entry but I’m glad you guys made it to the end! That pretty much wraps up my resolutions for 2014 and I hope I can we can inspire and motivate one another once again this year. Thanks for reading and start 2014 with a beautiful smile and a positive, happy attitude.
1x1.trans Free Cute Goodies
Remember to like my facebook pagesubscribe to my youtube channels (old/new), follow my instagram:"lazypandah" & LOOKBOOK:lazypandah for daily updates! 

Comments are love ♥


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  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog! I'm following you on GFC :)

    Being a better listener is definitely on my list too, i find myself listening... but not really... not sure if that makes sense!! Wishing you the best for 2014 ^_^

  2. Happy New Year! ❤

    You're so beautiful! I love your blog. ❤
    Thank you for your nice comment on my blog. I follow you! I hope you'll follow me back x3
    ✿ Rinako ✿

  3. great post! love your flower headband!

  4. you have such a nice goals :) would you like to follow each other on GFC and on Bloglovin :) xx

  5. Thankyou for following :D
    & hope we can achieve at being better listeners this year together :)
    Wish you all the best for 2014 too!! ^^

  6. Thanks Rinako!
    Of course I'll follow you back on both GFC & Bloglovin' :D
    Hope you had a lovely New Years~

  7. Thanks Ambi!!
    Hope it inspired your goals for 2014 too :D
    And sure! but once I get back from work, need to head off nows ><"


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