Adventure's near the Harbour ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

On Sunday I headed out to the city to meet up with my mummy for lunch and enjoy our night stay at The Star's The Darling Hotel. (Here is my VLOG from Sunday!!) 
It was my first time staying in their newer hotels so I was quite excited. My mummy and I checked-in first so I could dump my bags there before we headed out for lunch. Here's a few snaps of our room. 
The bed was so comfy and warm that when we just lie on top we wanted to doze off. 
 Facing directly opposite the bed was the TV, mini fridge and coffee pantry. 
There were two sinks behind a wall just next to the bed and the shower was right opposite the sink behind thee glass door. 
Once we dumped our bags we decided to check out the pool before we went for lunch. The place was really spacious and tonnes of seating's but the pool wasn't as big as I would have imagined it to be and there was no sauna too.  
 We headed upstairs, into the Sovereign room for lunch. Mummy and I, both got a hot honey lemon tea to warm up our tummies while we looked at the menu. 
We ordered one Char Kway Teow (I tried to say this with a Western accent but I just said it in Cantonese halfway through) and also one BBQ Chicken with mayonnaise. 
After lunch I went out to the city for dance and shopped a little with my dear friend Lin. Then I went back to the hotel around 5 pm so I decided to go for a swim before they close the pool for the day. 
Spending an awesome time with my Ghibli friends :P

After almost an hour at the pool, I went back inside as it started to sprinkle a bit then called up mum to meet for dinner. We decided to stay inside to have Din Tai Fung for dinner. We ordered their pork wonton with spicy noodle soup, egg fried rice with deep fried chicken fillet and xiao long bao. It was a really good meal because I was really hungry after all that dancing, swimming and relaxing.
I was so hungry that I decided to buy ice-cream before I went back up to the room to watch TV and do a facial mask, to end my lovely day. 
Now it's time to do the review for the facial mask I used that night. 
I used Beauty Clinic, Mediheal Cacao Ade Mask since this was the final flavor/smell, of the Beauty Clinic series, which I have yet to try.
This mask is meant to leave your skin feeling clean, soft and smooth as it contains cacao and coffee extracts. I used this mask to end my lovely day after being out all day long. 

Beauty Clinic Mediheal Cacao Ade Mask Ratings:

Effects: ★★★★★
I love how this mask has cacao and coffee extracts which makes my skin really clean soft after using it because it controls sebum and also tightens your pores too. I was touching my face the whole night!!

Mask material: ★★★★★
As you can see in the photo's above the material of the mask is cotton-based and has some unique patterns on it so that our skin can absorb the serum better.

Formula/Aroma: ★★★★★
It has a subtle smell of cacao butter~ Mmmmm~~~

Cost: ★★★★☆
This mask cost AUD$4.50, but was on a sale at BUY 1 GET 1 FREE so I got 2 mask for AUD$2.25/each, which I think is relatively cheap. 

Overall: ★★★★★
Highly recommend this mask, especially if your skin is usually on the oily side because this mask can help you control with your sebum! 

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Wooo! Came back early this morning and got some blogging material's done! I knew I forgot something and it was to film!! Hopefully the sun will come out and play on Wednesday so I am able to get good lightning to film. 
Remember to like my facebook page, subscribe to my youtube channels (old/new) & follow my instagram:"lazypandah" for daily updates! 

Comments are love ♥



  1. Your trip looked really fun~ I wish our malls had space for an indoor ice rink(?) in the winter >__<, that's so cool!

    Also, I'm replying to your comment here to make sure you see it! I think I know the SPARKLE hat you're talking about, since I've seen something like it on tumblr, but that one isn't from Stylenanda. <-- I think that's the hat you're talking about? xD

  2. I just check your blog and it's awesome <3 <3 I really love your layout, posts, and everything! hahaha xD Also, your hair looks awesome :P

    Anyway, I nominate you to liebster award. You can check it here :)

  3. Yeah it was a really fun day and the rink was a small one for a one week winter occasion :P It was really interesting to see on there haha.
    Oh yes!! Thankyou sweetie for linking me the hat!! :D

  4. Thankyou Rika!! <3

    It did take a lot of time to get the blog layout and all to come together in the beginning but it has all worked out good. I will, however, be renovating the theme and all later when I confirm what and how I want to change it.
    Thankyou! The pink can be hard to manage especially on longer hair means more care.
    & Thankyou for nominating me!!! I shall do a second Liebster award entry soon but here is the first one if you're interested in finding out a bit about me :D

  5. Nice hotel! Thank you for dropping by my blog :D
    and oh, the mask sure looks good! I'm gonna find that brand here :)

  6. You're welcome~~
    Hope you are able to find the brand <3


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