Beet It Stamina Shots & Liebster Award ヾ(^∇^)

Have you've heard that Beet It is a brand of organic beetroot juice? It contains a high dietary intake of beneficial beetroot juice. I was given 4 of these stamina shot to drink. 
Nitric Oxide(NO) is an important key factor for our cardiovascular system. It plays the role of regulating our blood pressure, the gate keeper of blood flow, stamina enhancer and is a weapon against infection.
Beet It Organic Shot Ratings:

Packaging: ★★★★★
The 70mL bottle is super light and convenient to bring on-the-go for a mid-day booster. 

Price: ★★★☆☆
These bottles of beetroot goodness cost only AUD$3.49, which I find reasonable. 

Taste: ★★★☆☆
Not the best tasting drink as it is just the concentration of the bitter beetroot flavor but you do get use to it's bitter-sourness.  

Overall: ★★★★☆
Despite the taste this drink is good for your body and beauty is not only on the outside but on the inside too. Beauty is pain!!!!

Have you gotten your stamina boost yet??
This is my second blog award and I was nominated by Yomi. Thank you~! Anyways let me list the rules for this award.

  • You must link back the person who nominated you. 

  • You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you. 

  • You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers . 

  • You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

  • You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.
    So let me get started with answering Yomi's Questions! I tried to make it a little more interesting and less worded so that you guys can enjoy it without having to squint when your eye's get dry from staring too much! 

  • Isn't the chibi version XX cute!!~Credit's to the owner!
    I will be listing a few bloggers, some that I recently found. 

    Also, if you're my reader and I didn't nominate you well I personally nominate all of YOU too! Because I think everyone deserves to get nominated for this award!! So here are my questions to my listed nominee's and all you, my lovely readers!

    Don't forget to enter my giveaway!!
    Also, recommend your friends to it as well!!
    "CLICK HERE" to learn how to win in the giveaway today!
    Hope you guys have heard that Google Reader/GFC will no longer be in use soon so do follow me via>BLOGLOVIN'to keep updated!!
    Follow on Bloglovin 
    Well this blog entry took a while to do but got it all up within a couple of hours so yay!! Quite proud of it I will say!
    Ending today's post with a photo for you, who is now nominated! 
    "I'm watching all of you!"
    Better start blogging now!
    Remember to like my facebook page, subscribe to my youtube channels (old/new) & follow my instagram:"lazypandah" for daily updates! 

    Comments are love ♥



    1. I love your photos. Follow me back on bloglovin?

    2. wow- I like how you creatively answered the questions. Thank you for replying to my comment.

    3. I'm glad you found it fun to read!! :D


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