Dove Colour Live event (*^◇^)_旦

Last Tuesday, I attended the Dove Colour Live event, whom I was kindly invited by Ida. The event took place at Luxe Studios, 6pm. I headed there, with my good friend Stephanie, a bit earlier so if we got lost we’d still be able to find the place in time. We were about 15 minutes early and were greeted with drinks. Stephanie and I, both took the cucumber vitality drink which was….healthy and apparently good for our hair. We were then lead into a room where we waited for the other beauty bloggers to arrive.
Look how healthy the drink looks!
Once all the beauty bloggers had arrived, the presentation started. It was really interesting to understand colour in a different sort of way. The woman speaking throughout the presentation was called Kate Croft, who is blind but she experiences colours through sound, smell, texture and taste.
The colour..
Red is love, roses, tango, passion, romance, etc.
Yellow is laughter, happiness, lemon, sand, etc.
Green is nature, fresh, tropical, grass, etc.
Blue is the sea spray, diving through the cool waters, the crisp morning sky, etc.
“By keeping the colour we keep the feelings.” 
Fig, Tempura Zucchini, Salmon, Pear?
After the presentation we were lead to a studio room next door where we were given a small talk three lovely people who made this event possible. Throughout the talk we were offered some finger food and they were all very interesting to eat! My favorite definitely has to be the tempura zucchini. I found out that Rachel (Heylini) & Wengie was invited too so we took photos together! 
With cutie Heylini (Rachel)
Wengie, Heylini & Sennnaa <3
Then we were given time to get our hair and colour consulted. We discussed what colour’s suited our skin tone best according, using the seasons as our guidelines. I’m winter, meaning I love to wear blacks, white and vivid colour’s so I stand out. We were then told what the season personalities were. If I remember correctly winter’s like to be out there and socialize.  
With my colour consultant that night~
Listening to what our personalities are like according to the season we are~
Am I warm or cool???~
Near the end of the event we were each given a bag which came with all of Dove’s newest Colour Live products. 
Gift bag full of goodies inside!

Before I left the studio I took a last minute group photo with  Anniepop (Annie), Wengie (Wendy), Pandablush (Jean), Chaigyaru (Janice)and Heylini (Rachel).
With Annie, Wendy, Jean, Janice, Rachel
Don't forget to enter the giveaway!!

Also, recommend your friends to it as well!!

"CLICK HERE" to learn how to win in the giveaway today!

Here’s what was inside the goodie bag which we got from the Dove Live Colour event. It contains Dove's Colour Radiance Lower Suplphate Shampoo and Conditioner, Daily Treatment Conditioner and the Leave In Conditioning & Care Spray. A detailed review on these products will be up later~
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Comments are love ♥


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