Breakfast at Sokyo // Another morning munch with mum (*・▽・*)

So by now you probably know that my mum and I love eating at Sokyo,
especially my mum. If she could she would have breakfast, lunch and dinner there all in one day. So the first time I went here was last year boxing day and I didn't have an appetite cause I was so tired but this time round was different. I was hungry and ready to eat! 

Starting off they have their continental buffet breakfast, where they have a selection of light breakfast foods, such as fruits, yogurt, crackers, congee, cheese, bread, juice, etc. Also I apologize about the quality of the photos I had to snap them with my phone as I didn't bring my camera along with me.

I like to start off with a bit of buffet breakfast while I choose a dish from their breakfast menu too. Their breakfast menu offers hot meals that a more filling and have many different types to choose form. 
My favourite so far is their Traditional Choushoku breakfast, which comes with the fish of the day, miso soup, chawanmushi, Hokkaido yumepirika rice, nori and Japanese pickles. Their fish is always perfectly grilled and the taste is light yet full of flavour. I ordered this the last two times I came here. 

Another dish that my mum ordered the last two times was their seafood bowl. It comes with Glacier 51 tooth fish, salmon, octopus, flying fish roe, cucumber, beni shoga, Hokkaido yumepirika rice and onsen tamago. Another light and refreshing dish with the flavours of the fresh fish and seasoning. 

The dishes that are produced at Sokyo are always amazing in taste and quality of ingredients. I cannot wait to come back again for breakfast as they have just added a new dish, their Pork Katsu sandwich to the breakfast menu. At the moment the best place for pork katsu sandwich, in my opinion, is at Cafe Oratnek, so I cannot wait to taste Sokyo's one and compare the two!

80 Pyrmont St, Pyrmont, 2009, NSW
Level G, The Darling, The Star
Opening Hours:
[Breakfast] Mon-Sun: 7am - 10:30am
[Lunch] Fri & Sat: 12pm - 2pm
[Dinner] Mon-Sun: 5:30pm - 10pm
Good morning to my wonderful readers, hope your day has been going well so far. As for myself, I shall be running a few errands after lunch with a friend of mine but hopefully I will be able to finish editing the first vlog video of NZ soon. 

Remember to like my facebook pagesubscribe to my youtube channels (old/new), follow my instagram:"lazypandah" & LOOKBOOK:lazypandah for daily updates! 

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